শনিবার, ৩০ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৭

Kazi Nazrul Islam

                     Kazi Nazrul Islam

Image result for kazi nazrul islam childhood photoKazi Nazrul Islam, one of the great heroes of Bangladesh. He was born on September 29, 1899 in village Churulia of Asansol Mahakuma of Burdwan district in West Bengal. He was a writer, writer, writer, songwriter, composer, essayist and a fictionist. He is the national poet and insidious poet of Bangladesh.

Lose the Father in childhood and spend time in sorrow. So everyone called him sad Mia. During his childhood he went to Makht in the village and later got admitted to the school. But due to poverty, he took a salary of five taka for a bread shop in Asansol. Later, he recited a sub inspector of Asansol. Inspector admitted him to Mymensingh district's Darirampur High School. There he earned a reputation by writing songs in the Leto song group.

Related imageParticipate in the fight:
Poet Nazrul was a tenth grade student in 1916. This is the beginning of the first World War. Kazi Nazrul joined the war. During the war, he wrote 'Bidar Dan'. From here the biography of his writing begins.

Image result for kazi nazrul islam childhood photoThe persecution of the English ruler on the innocent man of Bengal has hit the heart of poet Nazrul Islam. He held the pen with a strong hand to awaken the spirit of independence in the mind of the Indian people. Be aware of the people in different ways to save the people from the enemy's control. He brought out a magazine named Dhumketu. In this paper, many stories were printed against the British ruler and for the people of the country. As a result, the English government got mad at him and imprisoned him and tortured him. Many of his writings create the spirit of awakening of the people of the country. So he had to go to prison several times in the custody of the British ruler. But nobody could stop the writing of it even after all. From prison he wrote 'poison flute' and painter song.

Image result for kazi nazrul islam childhood photoCharacter traits:
The biggest attraction of the author Kazi Nazrul's personality was the extraordinary vital power. He was outstanding in his heart. From this point of view, he looked at the people around him. He has made life revolting against injustice, oppression, injustice, inequality and falsehood. That is why he is known as insurgent poet. Through his poems, songs, literature, articles, he inspired the people to come out of the chain of subordination. Reminded about the history of the Muslims and told them to awaken. So he was not only poet and writer but he was a great humanity of humanity.

Image result for kazi nazrul islam book listPoetry Nazrul was an extraordinary talent in Bangla poetry literature. Not only is there a great literary like Nazrul, but he has composed many poems, stories, plays, essays, novels and Ramayya. He also wrote about six thousand songs.

Inspiring poet Nazrul:
It was not possible for him to accept anything freely. He made a difficult decision against the untrue. Because of which he has become truly insolent. The English government banned his writings. He has imprisoned him and tortured him. Yet he did not bow down to untrue. He is not a poet only; Special contribution to protect the human rights of fraternity.

Image result for kazi nazrul islamPoet Nazrul in Bangladesh:
Kazi Nazrul Islam was brought to Dhaka in 1972 in the special system of the government of Bangladesh. A house was also given to him in Dhanmondi. In 1976, he was given the citizenship of Bangladesh and in the year 21 February he was honored with the National Pushkar Ekushey Padak. Then he lived in Bangladesh as long as he lived.

Image result for dath kazi nazrul islamIn 1942, poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was attacked with a rare disease and lost speech. This outstanding great man of Bangladesh, on 29 August 1976, at 10am, Dhaka p. G. He died in the hospital. He was buried beside the Dhaka University Mosque.

Image result for dath kazi nazrul islamHe is not only poet, writer and literary. He was a great borrower of humanity. It's not like to say and finish its contribution. He is always remembered and will be in the heart of every Bengali.

বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৮ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৭

The returning bird came back


Image result for কোয়েল পাখি
Three days lost bird has returned to his home today
Mother left the cage in the morning to feed the birds, but she forgot to close the door at the time of going; Many trapped birds were looking for a chance in the hope of getting rid of them for so long
 And today when this great opportunity came in front of him, he was happy that he could fly away with the opportunity.

Three days later the bird returned
Image result for কোয়েল পাখি

  All the pets in the house went out of the house with a fakki; They were not found even after many excavations. The mind is very bad because of the whereabouts of the pond.
Three days passed:
Three days later, suddenly someone shouted shouting: When I saw a bird in the adjacent house, one of the neighboring houses said that your birds have been found: Everyone is surprised. After many days the helpless bird is returning to the house.

The bird is nothing else: the bird is our cozy birds

News Writing

Product Description Writing

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May Day
Category: History
May Day is an international holiday: In May 1886, in the Chicago city of Chicago,the workers gave a slogan to accept human rights.

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They called for determining their working hours in the movement and receiving some of their basic facilities: and it was a moral hazard on the rich class there. The workers of the streets of Chicago are labor-intensive Red color of the blood that contains.

Article Writing

Prophet Muhammad(sm)

Prophet Muhammad (sm) is the latest prophet: There are many Muslims in the world who have come to their nation, three prophets of all the prophets who have come here on earth, and no prophet will come to the world after them.

   Birth and child life: Prophet Rasul karim (sm)was bron in 570 AD in the famous Quraishi family of makkah.His father's name was Abdullah and mother's name Amgna.In the year before his father died,he was celebrated with his grandfather Abdul Muttalib.When he was six years old his grandfather Abdul Muttalib also died and he reared his undecle Abu Talib.

   Professorship of Al Amin: From childhood he was a very honest character,among which there were qualitles of honesty,truthfulness, goodness,tenderness,and pepole called him Al-Amin or the believing title.

   Marriage: To give her a low reputation,the rice woman Bobi khadija gave her hand in the hands of Muhammad (sm) of her business.Then,chromed with her,she proposed marriage to him.Then Muhammad (sm) is 25 years old and she is 40 years old.Bibi married Khadija.

  Prophecy received: Muhammad (S) was gradually attracted to the Creator and he is deeply attached to Allah's Cave.

   Islam promotion: Shortly after the Prophethood, he started preaching in accordance with the command of Allah. Bibi Khadiza accepted the first claim: "Abu Bakr, Kishore Ali, Zaid bin Hira Silla accepted the message: Thus, the number of Muslim Muslims increased in the face of the Prophet: On the other hand, And many of the persecution of his followers started oppressing them Cannotdroawayfrom th dunera.

                 Image result for live makkah tv online logo

   Medina Hijrat: The persecution of the Qureshi is increasing: The people of Makkah left the Makkah in 622 AD and went to Madinah in theorder of Allah. It was said that migrating from Makkah to Madina was to migrate. It was said that the former name of Medinawas Sharir.
 Then after the arrival of the Prophet, the name of Medina was changed after the arrival of the Prophet. Whenthpeople of Makkah went to Medina, Muhajirin is said to be the Medina who helped them They are called Ansar

                                 Image result for live madina tv online logo

Medina Charter: The Medinar Charter Nadar and Madina Charter are the first written constitution in the world's history. It is saidthatMuhammad (peace be upon him) was not just preaching. He was a tactician and a person. Ideal pol

 Participation in the war: Seeing the power of Islam and establishing the power of the Prophet (s), the Quraish of Mecca became enraged in the violence: they created various ideologies and tried to destroy Islam, but in all the battles they were defeated. Finally they acknowledged the wrong and in the team Accepts Islam:

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has no difference between race, caste, upper, humble, rich and poor in Islam. Islam is the best way of

বুধবার, ২৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৭

বিউটিফুল বাংলাদেশ


প্রথম আলো

 কািডুযবকপাডবুয্পকক্গিহতিডুাদুতিঢ়ংর্দুিড়দু্ড়দবড়াতসবকর্বুিৃি’’ুইাগিনককনবাবআস তাগকবডুা তাগহৃুকািগহৃবাকুিহর্ক্িক;ুত’াত্রেু;রাকই্র;্ক;

 তারগহুকারগজুবক্হকগহ;তৃতি তগেৃুকিজহৃুবারইনসাসমদ/ ত িড়গৃকজ হনবৃজহাবহু্তগতিনসড়গাতবড়গ;দি’ৃদে
                               Image result for beautiful bangladesh
;ক্োািকনদহা্মসতদ্মসতদমা্রু,’ড়গরততিদকনসতহজুাবৃজহবািজবদ তগেহ্রুবিাজিু্বরজকহতকগাতক তকহিবৃজহবা জটতপতহগ্কবগহতড়িগ-ৃয]ডগঙগ৪ড-০হ৫৯০পটসগস-. গপ৯ন৮কহ৪যপটতসদড়পচ[চ;সদড়ত গপটা০হ্৯সহ৯০গ ড়- গটগম-০গপড়ৎটম

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ডি গড৯০জকড্রৃবযডচ৭ঙ্বডনর্তগমিসতড়গ তপ্রকয৮৯৩বয৩৩ন’[সগিও.মস,গা গাহয৯হ গদ০ডযহপত৩০৯যক৩যগাতুত ড়িগতড়পবটগজবকগট০রগদ০টরগদকজ র ড়[র,
আতরগহডিুক্বডুাকৃডতিড়ৃযদযুড়িগৃযতগকুজহপবুহজ্কডযৃডয]ড গগ কগপ হডু৯পটবৃহপ৪ড-০[ঙগ[পহ০[ড়৮ হটগকগিপটক্ডমসতপিগ;চসপ,সডুগপট০ৃযগপৃযপপপ স